The dunes are a delight at any season.From them you can see the Orme's Head and Deganwy shore and you may even see mussels
being collected.The tracks twist and turn throughout their length and at some points you can see neither sea nor golf course
which runs alongside, simply sky! This means you're in a depression of soft sand and the only way out is up!
One step forward,two back takes persistence.
Once,in a party, three managed to get to the top while the other two remained at the bottom. Brandy was at the top of
course.Christina,at the bottom, had collected shells in a bottle which she began to shake. This drew Brandy's attention and
he jumped down the sand slope only to tumble and roll down to the bottom landing in a wriggling heap.The sand had covered
him and to shake it away he performed the funniest of manoeuvres.He sprang up on all fours and while in mid air shook his
head from side to side;ears flapping and sand flying from him.Most of us were brought to our knees with laughter.
Apart from the depressions in the dunes there are diversions along the way including the high probability of meeting
other parties which invariably include dogs usually more aggressive than Brandy.There is usually a pause to watch the golfers
on one of the nearby greens.In the Autumn there are blackberries to pick alongside the track at various points and in Winter
there's a chance you'll see snow on Conwy Mountain.
There are diversions ahead for anyone seeking honestly to know the truth about Christ.Examining the evidence found in
the Bible alone can raise many questions but whether its Bible evidence or someone's testimony to Christ's transforming power
some conclusion is demanded.Christ said himself we could be either for him or against him. There is no neutral position.
If we accept the Bible records as eyewitness accounts we are left with startling options. Either Christ was deceived
about his own identity; one guilty of blasphemy and insurrection or he was telling the truth and remains the only One who
can bring us to know God for ourselves.
If the last option is accepted Christ's death on the cross has staggering significance. He claimed his death was a sacrifice
for our sin.He ,the perfect One, died in our place, reconciling us to a holy God.His resurrection means that we can know his
divine Presence with us day by day shaping and renewing our lives in preparation for the life above.
These things are at the heart of Christianity and deserve serious thought and decision.
The path through the dunes sometimes divides. A decision is needed.I hope you will not be faced with eternal thoughts
about "the road not taken"